This past 4th of July weekend, we were fortunate enough to spend the weekend camping out in Sonoma, and decided to drive into town for the Kenwood parade and pancake breakfast. It was small town Americana at its finest! Not only were the celebrations absolutely delightful, but I got to test drive my brand new D-SLR camera for the first time.
We started the morning with a pancake breakfast hosted at this beautifully traditional old church:

Apparently, they've been doing this for 20 years and have actually built their own gi-normous pancake cooker. It's amazing!

I love these guys!

Then, we headed to the end of the block for the smallest parade we've ever seen. There wasn't a single marching band!

But, we got to see every classic car in the county (like, all five of them):

Even George got into the action! He was so popular, kids IN the parade were pointing and shouting, "Look at the chihuahua!":

And oh yes, a little proof that I was actually there!

Happy Birthday, America!