Last year was the first time the Fair Oaks youth group did the famine, and I am thrilled to report that our youth have caught the vision!
We already have about 40 youth signed up to participate, and they are preparing for this weekend's 30 hour event by planning their own fundraisers.
The junior highers put together and ran their own bakesale, selling off freshly baked cookies, brownies, and pies, with all donations going to World Vision. All credit goes to Spencer, an 8th grader who came up with the idea, then organized everyone involved! (I found out later that this may have been the very 1st bakesale in Fair Oaks Church history!)

The high schoolers came up with their own creative idea: taking over people's lawns! For donations, you can send a group of fun-loving teenagers to hang out on your friend's lawn! Or, for a donation, you can purchase insurance to keep said teenagers OFF your lawn!
I had no idea what the response would be to this idea, but our whole church has really gotten a kick out of it, and much has been raised towards our cause.

I look forward to reporting back next week how much our group has raised!
My brother's youth group did what your high schoolers did, but they used lawn flamingoes. People could pay to have other people's lawns "flocked" with pink flamingoes. Then the "flocked" party could pay a small fee to find out whodunnit, and for another fee could return the favor. It was apparently wildly successful.
Kids instead of flamingoes - why didn't we ever think of that when we did the Famine in Sac?
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