The first is one of my favorites. I love the cascading effect of the petals going out of focus to the edges.
This next one is best at full-size. I found my eye wandering over the edge of each petal; for me it had the same entrancing feeling as watching ripples move across water, or waves on the ocean.
I don't believe I could have posed these four roses any more attractively:
This final pictures is Gary's favorite, a timeless rosebud.
I would greatly appreciate your feedback... do any of these pictures speak to you?
Photoshop? or using the camera settings for b/w?
Really nice exposure. I like the first image the best. The dark edges of the pedals create a natural vignette. The whites of the pedals draw your eye out from the center, while the busy center of the bud, brings you back in.
So when's round two?!
Beauiful! And it can be fun with Picassa or Photoshop to just color one rose (as in the last 2 pics).
I love the first one. Nice work!
Good work, who knew that a flower could look good in B&W? I like the first one for exactly the reasons you wrote, BUT the last single rose really got to me. I liked how the inside which is still tight popped out at me and the couple of petals that have unfolded showed that dappled effect which comes out beautifully in B&W can't wait to see more kiddo
Beautiful - I want them for my desktop and I want to know what camera you finally chose. I want a new one before I move to Alaska where I expect to have lots to take photos of.
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