I am happy to report that the first meeting of the new Captivating study went extremely well! Though we are definitely in the 'getting to know each other' stage, we had a good time relating our stories to one another without the typical awkwardness of new relationships (especially for me, as I've always clicked more with 'the guys' than other chicks).
The group consists of myself and three other women, all within a year of each other in age. I am the only married one in the group, but I didn't feel as if that would keep us from relating to one another. We didn't get very far through our chapter, but that's ok. We'll tackle section 2 next week. Our biggest goals of the study are primarily to develop friendships, and secondly to explore what it means to be a woman, a Christian woman.
The invitation to this group has been a perfectly timed answer to prayer, as up to this point, most of the people I've gotten to know at Fair Oaks have been teenagers and their parents. Awesome people, all of them, but I've definitely had that sense that something was missing. I'll continue to pray that God will bless these relationships, and that they will grow into the deep friendships I am hungering for.
I'll close with a quote from our study that I found particularly beautiful:
"Then the time came when the risk it took
To remain tight in a bud was more painful
Than the risk it took to blossom"
-Anais Nin
1 comment:
Isn't that quote awesome!? It's so true! Many things about becoming a woman and growing as a woman hurt, but these are the things that cause us to blossom!
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