Friday, June 15, 2007

New and Improved

We made a few improvements to the blog today (as you clever readers may or may not have noticed).

Firstly, if you take a moment to examine the green box on the right-hand side of the screen, you'll see a new feature - our current reading lists! Maybe you'll be inspired or intrigued enough to check out something you wouldn't have otherwise. Or, perhaps you'll just be amazed by how long it takes me to finish a book.

We've also added a few great links to the "Blogs We Read" section.

They include Bonnie's Cafe, which I already gave mad props to here, a forum for a refreshingly honest exploration of coffee, autism, and faith.

Also Dan Kimball's site, Vintage Faith. Dan Kimball is pastor of Vintage Faith church in Santa Cruz, CA and author of multiple books including his most recent They Like Jesus But Not the Church . He is a leading voice in the emergent discussion as well as the epitome of style. He has the coolest hair of any pastor I've ever met.

Finally, don't miss Don't Call Me Veronica. Seriously, visit the site just to find out the origin of the name. Very cool.


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