Skype is free software that allows you to send instant messages, make free calls to other Skype users, or make cheap phone calls to land / cell numbers, all over an internet connection.
This is a great blessing if you want to stay in contact with people overseas without going broke (and thus very popular with the world racers).

I wanted to get an account going for our upcoming mission trip to Guatemala, but have already found the instant messaging feature to be quite useful.
For those already signed up with Skype, feel free to add me as stillsmallvoice99 and send me a message to say hello!
that is so weird. James just told us to sign up with Skipe and to get a web camera and mic so we can communicate while he is in Thailand. they use it all the time overseas.
I'm getting ready to sign up and I'm trying to talk Eric into it too. I'll add you once I've set it up.
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