The serene atmosphere made me want to stay all day

These flowers are carnivorous!

A rare color combination in nature

Jungle Flowers

These look good enough to eat!

Hanging out with the Orchids
"And I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you on knowledge and understanding."
--Jeremiah 3:15 (NASB)
Amazing. I've always wanted to go and I still haven't been there...
For my 50th Dave planned a whole day of cool things. Hot air balloon ride in Napa, then we zipped over to GGPark and the arboretum had just opened back up. I went nuts, aren't the huge lilly pads awesome? We biked around the park, hitting the japenese tea gardens too. I am so glad you had the chance to go there and explore. Did you get to the art gallery??
Oh wow!!! Arboretums like that are amazing. It makes me want to get married or engaged or something that would warrant taking breathtaking pictures in front of even more breathtaking nature. If (and when) I come out there, we're going there to sit and take it in and catch up!
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