Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Light in the Darkness

Another World Race blog, from a missionary in Thailand.

They're currently doing ministry in the Thailand red light districts, where customers can purchase young girls, hardly teenagers. It's hard to believe what constitutes reality in some parts of the world, and I praise God for the love of the world racers and ministries such as Nightlight . Clink on the link, toward the bottom of the post, to read Mae's story... it brought tears to my eyes.

A friend asked me a great question via e-mail that I thought was worth answering in a blog. She wanted to know, "How do women go from working at the bars to being employed by NightLight?"

Twice a week female volunteers from Night Light go out into the bars. The bar managers will let their employees converse if drinks are bought. Many of the bar girls will confess their desire to leave prostitution. Most women in Thailand consider working in the bars a disgrace and hate what they do, but have to make money. After a relationship is formed the women who want out of the sex industry are invited to apply for employment at NightLight.

Right now NightLight is filled to the brim with women grateful to be out of the bars. They have 82 employees and 12 more are on a waiting list. Unfortunately more money needs to come in before more employees can be hired. NightLight is also in need of more space, their current office building is packed with women making jewelry.

The women fortunate enough to be hired on at NightLight are given a new life. Instead of selling their bodies every night, they earn money by making beautiful jewelry, which is then sold on the internet and at home party sales. The NightLight employees are given hot lunch every day, counseling, and have the opportunity to attend morning worship services and Bible studies.

While working with the women at NightLight I was amazed that they had ever worked in the bars. Each employee was filled with life and joy; it was a completely different story from the women in the bars. That's my prayer for Mae (read her story here) that she will be able to work at NightLight and escape her current reality.

So if you haven't yet check out NightLight's awesome jewelry, it's never too early to be thinking about Christmas =)! www.nightlightbangkok.com. The pictures in this blog are just a few samples of their products.

1 comment:

Claudia said...

These pieces are wonderful... I specially love the earrings.