It used to be that the world was divided into cat-people and dog-people, but that seems to have faded away, and culture has shifted to distinguishing between coffee-people and non-coffee-people. (Among my coffee-loving friends here, we've broken that down even further to "Starbucks" vs "Peets Coffee")
When I was a little girl, I couldn't understand how on earth people could drink the stuff. That was before "frappucino" was a part of our vocabulary. My experience with 'coffee' was limited to my dad's morning routine black-instant-decaf cup of joe (blech - my tongue hurts just remembering!).

I'm so glad those early memories did not permanently taint my opinion of what is now my favorite beverage. Because coffee is not just a drink, it's a way of life. A morning routine. A place to meet friends. And the coffee that we drink, and the ways we take it, in some small ways define us.
For me, coffee signals hope - the fresh start of a new day. It means hospitality - there's little I enjoy more than an after-dinner cup of decaf at a friend's. It even helps me connect with God - I never crack my bible in the morning until a warm cup is in my hand.
So, when I saw this video of current world racers making their own coffee from scratch in the Andes, I couldn't help but smile, then determine, I'll never again travel to coffee-country without a hand-grinder and a french press:
1 comment:
Wow... it'd odd but as a non-coffee drinker I find myself nodding at all your points, yet (and I don't mean to sound "more spiritual") but I don't need coffee to start my day since I have God. By that I mean I struggle with how we all know it's a drug that people are addicted to but because it tastes good to many we seem to overlook the dependency so many have on it. I'd rather take a pass on coffee and let God be my go-go juice.
See... now I sound like that neighbor on the Simpsons. Dang it.
Again, I'm not trying to pick a fight but rather I am intrigued at the ways that even in the church we sort of excuse and overlook it.
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