By Ariel
Every Sunday morning, Pastor Antonio’s church holds a children’s service similar to our Sunday school. This past Sunday, it was our job to lead it. We weren’t exactly sure how much time we had, how many kids would be there, or even how much we were expected to do. So we planned a tentative program that included songs, a bible story read in Spanish, a skit, a memory verse and games. We weren’t sure how much we could do or how much we couldn’t do, so we just had to put it in God’s hand and trust him to work through us despite our lack of knowledge.
On the truck drive up, we went over our program once more and we were all feeling unsure about what might happen. As we were driving up to the church, we could see already at least 30 or so kids, ages ranging from 3 to 12, sitting patiently in somewhat of a circle waiting for us. We got there and prayed quickly and brought out balloons to play with as we waited for even more kids to arrive. Which they did. Soon we had about 60 kids waiting for us to begin. I have to say, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed and had to remind myself that God was with us and in control.
We sang songs like “Jesus Loves Me” and “I Have a Friend Who Loves Me” in Spanish, and the kids sang along with us. Then I read the story of Jonah out of our children’s Spanish Bible and about halfway through, one of the members of the church began translating what I said in Tsutujil. After the story, we had to take a moment to write out the memory verse in Spanish and have someone translate it into Tsutujil. That took a while, but to my great joy, the kids were being amazingly patient. Finally, we were able to recite the memory verse with them in Spanish and Tsutujil. Then we did a mini skit of the story of Zaccheus the tax collector. After, we played games like charades, Simon Says, and Hot Potato until we ran out of ideas. After about 2 hours, we were done with our program.
I’m not exactly sure how much the kids got out of our time with them but I trust that God will work in their lives. All the kids were incredibly patient and loving, and they will forever have a special place in my heart. I will continue to pray for them even after I leave Guatemala and I hope that they will continue on the path of God.
Every Sunday morning, Pastor Antonio’s church holds a children’s service similar to our Sunday school. This past Sunday, it was our job to lead it. We weren’t exactly sure how much time we had, how many kids would be there, or even how much we were expected to do. So we planned a tentative program that included songs, a bible story read in Spanish, a skit, a memory verse and games. We weren’t sure how much we could do or how much we couldn’t do, so we just had to put it in God’s hand and trust him to work through us despite our lack of knowledge.
We sang songs like “Jesus Loves Me” and “I Have a Friend Who Loves Me” in Spanish, and the kids sang along with us. Then I read the story of Jonah out of our children’s Spanish Bible and about halfway through, one of the members of the church began translating what I said in Tsutujil. After the story, we had to take a moment to write out the memory verse in Spanish and have someone translate it into Tsutujil. That took a while, but to my great joy, the kids were being amazingly patient. Finally, we were able to recite the memory verse with them in Spanish and Tsutujil. Then we did a mini skit of the story of Zaccheus the tax collector. After, we played games like charades, Simon Says, and Hot Potato until we ran out of ideas. After about 2 hours, we were done with our program.
I’m not exactly sure how much the kids got out of our time with them but I trust that God will work in their lives. All the kids were incredibly patient and loving, and they will forever have a special place in my heart. I will continue to pray for them even after I leave Guatemala and I hope that they will continue on the path of God.
Ariel you are learning two important things serving there. One is that we have to be obedient to do what God tells us to do, and secondly, the results are all in His hands (and He is sure more than able to accomplish what He wants done)
Your heart of obedience really came through what you wrote. You are being prayed for back home.
Miss Joy
Give Katherine a hug for me
We read your post before we prayed for you and the team the other night for family devotions. We love you and pray God continues to bless all of you. ;-)
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