1) What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
Got a job that required my college degree (finally!). Fasted for six days. Attended a sunrise Easter service. Went to an American Idol concert. Moved back to Sacramento. Actively pursued friendships with our neighbors.
2) Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I didn't really make resolutions so much as goals for the year, and I feel that I was fairly successful. Gary and I went on our first overnight backpacking trip (it was awesome). I've been closer to family, spent a lot more time with them on the phone and in person. I read a lot of books, including completing my through-the-Bible reading plan.
3) Did anyone close to you give birth?
Wow... this was indeed the year of babies! Many of our friends brought little bundles of joy into the world this past year. It's been so fun to celebrate with them! And even more are coming next year!
4) Did anyone close to you die?
Bev Roseberry left us this past year. Though I didn't know her as well as some of my friends did, there was no doubt that she'd made a great impact on a great many lives.
5) What countries did you visit?
Does Oregon count? =) I had the joy of setting up a successful Mexico mission for the Fair Oaks Global Outreach team, but wasn't a part of that mission team. We did, however, enlist as leaders for AIM's summer 2010 high school mission trips. Hopefully next summer we will be in Uganda!
6) What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
See previous question: a return to Africa! To get plugged in to a Sacramento church family. Also, a bit of time somewhere to rest and dream would be nice. 2009 was intense!
7) What date(s) from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
In early January 2009, we were stunned to learn of our imminent departure from the church where Gary had been working as youth pastor. That day was an unfortunate collision with the "business" end of ministry. It also turned the page to a new, healthier, chapter of our lives. So yeah, memorable.
8) What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I am very proud of my return into full time work; I was very apprehensive about the changes this would bring to our lives, but I have done my best and have been blessed in our new situation. The great amount of emotional healing and forgiveness that has occurred this past year has been surprising.
9) Did you suffer illness or injury?
Not physically, though the heartache of the previous year was brought to a climax.
10) What was the best thing you bought?
Our new house! What a joy to return "home" to Sacramento, and to be able to own a home again.
11) Whose behavior merited celebration?
I continue to be blessed, inspired, and challenged by the love and faithfulness that Molly has displayed in numerous situations this past year. Most recently, she brought lunch, warm clothing, and a copy of the Message to a homeless man she had befriended the week before, all of her own accord. She is really living a life of love.
12) Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
What can I say here? The life I had was shattered by others' choices. All one can do is grieve the losses and be grateful for the gains I'm discovering.
13) Where did most of your money go?
We invested our savings into the purchase of our new home. Other than that, we've put most of our money into paying off our van, and contributing towards missions.
14) What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Taking a whole week off work, and coming to Minnesota for a White Christmas with Gary's family. Awesome!
15) What songs will always remind you of 2009?
Halo, by Beyonce, and Mad World, by Adam Lambert.
16) Compared to this time last year, are you:
Wiser? Indeed.
Healthier? Emotionally, yes.
Richer? Relationally and experientially... definitely!
17) What do you wish you’d done more of?
18) What do you wish you’d done less of?
19) How did you spend Christmas?
With Gary's family in Minnesota. I love them so much!
20) Did you fall in love in 2009?
There's no new love in my life, but better than that, I am falling even more in love with my sweet husband in new ways.
21) What was your favorite blog post that you wrote?
Looking Back on 2008, which this post is based on. I've reflected on that post many times over this past year.
22) What were your favorite TV programs?
America's Next Top Model (still terribly fierce! or should I say, fiercely terrible!), So You Think You Can Dance, and Glee (at least, up until the adulterous season finale).
23) Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Hate? No. I've been deeply disappointed by a few individuals' choices, but that only leads to regret over what might have otherwise been.
24) What was the best book you read?
The Prodigal God, by Timothy Keller, and Crazy Love, by Francis Chan, have been thought provoking and potentially life-changing (only time will tell, right?). In terms of fun reading, I finally jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon and have enjoyed the first novel so far.
25) What was your greatest musical discovery?
This year's season of American Idol was fun, inspiring, and let to great family memories. We took Molly to the concert tour this past summer for her birthday, and had a blast.
26) What did you want and get?
Believe it or not, I got everything I wanted but didn't get last year! (Answers. A coffee bean grinder. Cute brown shoes.) Also, a good camera for pursuing my photography. Plus, a good job, and a home of our own.
27) What did you want and not get?
Honestly, I'm pretty content right now. There are a few things I could use (new winter clothes, home furnishings), but the greatest unfulfilled desire of my heart is to see Molly living out her call on the mission field in Africa. Hopefully God will open the doors for that to happen in 2010.
28) What was your favorite film of this year?
Up, and The Blind Side. Both terrific and inspiring movies.
29) What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 32 this year, and celebrated with Gary and Molly by enjoying a fondue dinner at The Melting Pot, followed by picking out my present (an iPod!) at Best Buy.
30) Which celebrity/public figure did you like the most?
I don't know if Francis Chan fits this category, but he is an author/speaker who I have been greatly encouraged by. He is the pastor at my parents' church, Cornerstone Simi, and I listen to his sermon podcasts almost daily. I really identify with his heart to love God with passion, obedience and in truth.
31) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
"Social Work Professional". This year, I couldn't dress myself everyday in T-shirts from old youth group camps. I had to save those for the weekends! Turns out I clean up pretty nicely, though!
32) What kept you sane?
My new job. Definitely. It has been so healthy to pour my energy into a job in which I am helping people every day, using and developing my skills, and supporting my family. I never could have predicted how life-giving this would be.
33) Who did you miss?
Friendships through our church that faded away after our/their departure.
34) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009.
Life consists of different seasons, and that's not only ok, but a good thing.
35) What did you gain this year?
Healing. Peace. Confidence.
36) What did you lose this year?
I lost a fair amount of faith in "church", as might be expected. I'm getting ready to try again, though. I also feel that a sense of the youth ministry family was lost through the dissolution of Youth Specialties as we knew it.
37) Who was the best new person you met?
I've met some really cool people through my job this year. For example, one of my clients is a tiny woman with Downs Syndrome who lives on her own, maintains a beautifully clean and homey apartment, works a job, and completely dominates at Special Olympics. She loves her life and always inspires me to just go for it.
38) Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
You are the one
Who has saved us
You are the one
Who forgave us
You are the one who has come
And is coming again
To make it alright
Oh, to make it alright
You’re the remedy
Oh, in us
You’re the remedy
-Remedy, David Crowder
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Deja Vu
As part of our moving process, I've been going through all the boxes we've had stored in various closets. One such box contained a stack of papers and mementos I've been saving since childhood.
While going through it, I was shocked and delighted to come across a postcard from Germany that someone (it might have been my dad, but neither one of us remembers for sure) had given me, and for some reason I kept all these years. The back is blank, but the front has a picturesque scene that looked remarkably familiar. I ran to the computer and scrolled through the pictures from our time in Germany during the World Race in 2006.
Yep, I've been there! What are the odds?

While going through it, I was shocked and delighted to come across a postcard from Germany that someone (it might have been my dad, but neither one of us remembers for sure) had given me, and for some reason I kept all these years. The back is blank, but the front has a picturesque scene that looked remarkably familiar. I ran to the computer and scrolled through the pictures from our time in Germany during the World Race in 2006.
Yep, I've been there! What are the odds?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Not in MY house!
Since July, we've probably visited three dozen different houses before landing on our new home. I always looked with camera in hand, to record the good, the bad, and the ugly. It's always interesting to see the personal touches people add to their homes. So, here's a photo blog to share some of our most memorable moments from the hunt.
Who wouldn't want a stairway to nowhere?

...or a mural of parrotfish, quite literally?

Who wants an indoor garden?

As Gary investigated this skylight, I couldn't help but imagine an alien abduction!

After years of cigarette smoking indoors, evidence was captured in the stained walls. (If this was the damage to the paint, I can't imagine what your lungs would look like!)

This pic is one of my faves: isn't so much about the house, but capturing a beautiful moment.

It was definitely fun to look, but I am more excited about the home that will be ours. One more week until we move!
Who wouldn't want a stairway to nowhere?
...or a mural of parrotfish, quite literally?

Who wants an indoor garden?
As Gary investigated this skylight, I couldn't help but imagine an alien abduction!

After years of cigarette smoking indoors, evidence was captured in the stained walls. (If this was the damage to the paint, I can't imagine what your lungs would look like!)
This pic is one of my faves: isn't so much about the house, but capturing a beautiful moment.

It was definitely fun to look, but I am more excited about the home that will be ours. One more week until we move!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Destination: Uganda!
I'm excited to announce that next summer, Gary, Molly, and I will be co-leading a youth mission trip to Uganda with Adventures in Missions. The trip is part of AIM's Ambassador program, designed for students ages 14-18 who want to serve God on trips that vary in length from one to four weeks. We will be ministering in Busia, Uganda (right across the border from Kenya) from June 30, 2010 to July 30, 2010.

According to AIM's website:
When I left Africa in 2006, I felt as if I left a piece of my heart there. I have been asking God since that time if it might be in His will for me to someday return and love on orphans in His name. I am thrilled for this opportunity, and am looking forward to four weeks of discipling teenagers while serving together.
AIM is accepting applications now for students who would like to participate in this trip. If you would like to join us, we would love to have you! Click here for more information about the trip!

According to AIM's website:
Much of the ministry will be will be in partnership with Helping Hands Ministry. The team will be ministering at a school for orphans. There will be opportunities to provide friendship, bible studies, education and the gospel to the children. In addition to the children, you will have a chance to minister to young adults in the area with outreach events working alongside Ugandans who are trying to reach their peers.
The team will assist and learn how to best minister with and to the people of Uganda. There may also be opportunities for the team to work with local churches "in the bush" once a week. The opportunities to join God in what He is doing in Uganda will be many and full of variety.
When I left Africa in 2006, I felt as if I left a piece of my heart there. I have been asking God since that time if it might be in His will for me to someday return and love on orphans in His name. I am thrilled for this opportunity, and am looking forward to four weeks of discipling teenagers while serving together.
AIM is accepting applications now for students who would like to participate in this trip. If you would like to join us, we would love to have you! Click here for more information about the trip!

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Molly Update

So in case you haven't heard, Molly departed for her mission trip this past Wednesday, September 23rd. She left out of San Francisco at 6 am (!) and arrived in McAllen, Texas later that day. AIM staff met participants at the airport and drove them across the border to their home for the next two months.

During the training portion of their trip, the entire Novas group will be living and working out The Gateway, AIM's mission base in Matamoros, Mexico. Molly is bunking with 26 girls in a giant room. She reports that it is beautiful and raining right now. The day after arriving, the participants began a two day period of solitude to focus on prayer and connecting with God. They were given reading and journaling assignments. Molly has found this time challenging, but valuable.
On December 1, Molly will be flying to Swaziland with her teammates Jessica, Lila, Katie, Bryan, and John. They will be working with orphans at the Nsoko care point through next May.
Here are a couple of team pics from their training camp last month:
You can follow along with Molly's journey at her blog by here: http://mollymcrae.myadventures.org/.
Also, here is an address where you can send letters while the team is in Mexico:
Molly McRae
C/O: Tag Thompson
Adventures in Missions
6000 Wellspring Trail
Gainesville, GA 30506
They will keep the letters there and as staff goes down to Mexico they will take any mail which comes in. Make sure to send a message of encouragement!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
700 Pelican Way
Yep, that's going to be our new address! We're moving back to Sacramento this fall to be closer to Gary's seminary, where he will be studying full time for the next two years. After a looooong round of searching, we found this little house that will be perfect for the next chapter of our lives!
At this stage, we have made an offer, which has been accepted. We are hoping that escrow goes quickly, but right now it looks like we will probably be moving in early October. 700 Pelican Way is a two bed - two bath home in the Natomas area, off of Northgate. It's not huge, but it's got a lot of personality.
There's a huge fireplace in the living room, for those chilly winter evenings:
There's a gorgeous brick porch out back (complete with ceiling fan!), perfect for grilling when the weather's good!

There's also a little bay window in the kitchen, and a cedar lined closet in the master:
The second bedroom is cute, but slated for re-painting (sorry, mom & dad!):
The backyard is the perfect size for our little dog to run around in:
Oh, and have I mentioned the best part? Once we're moved in, you're invited! =)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Garden Variety
I've been continuing to enjoy my camera (Canon Rebel xsi), and have really appreciated the feedback and encouragement you've given on my past photo blogs. I never intentionally set out to do closeups, but these are the details that grab my attention and delight. I hope you enjoy the same intricate beauty that originally caught my eye. So (Brandon), here's round two!
A perfect heart:

Spiderweb with water droplets:

Translucent rose petals:

This little guy took off when he tired of having his picture taken!

Rainbow in my own backyard:

A little photo editing goes a long way:
A perfect heart:

Spiderweb with water droplets:
Translucent rose petals:
This little guy took off when he tired of having his picture taken!
Rainbow in my own backyard:
A little photo editing goes a long way:
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Monochromatic Melancholy
Yesterday marked my first attempt to shoot monochrome with the new camera. I am extremely pleased with how these turned out. I hope you enjoy them as well.
The first is one of my favorites. I love the cascading effect of the petals going out of focus to the edges.

This next one is best at full-size. I found my eye wandering over the edge of each petal; for me it had the same entrancing feeling as watching ripples move across water, or waves on the ocean.

I don't believe I could have posed these four roses any more attractively:

This final pictures is Gary's favorite, a timeless rosebud.

I would greatly appreciate your feedback... do any of these pictures speak to you?
The first is one of my favorites. I love the cascading effect of the petals going out of focus to the edges.
This next one is best at full-size. I found my eye wandering over the edge of each petal; for me it had the same entrancing feeling as watching ripples move across water, or waves on the ocean.
I don't believe I could have posed these four roses any more attractively:
This final pictures is Gary's favorite, a timeless rosebud.
I would greatly appreciate your feedback... do any of these pictures speak to you?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Chateau St. Jean Photo-Blog
Following our 4th of July parade and pancake breakfast, we meandered down the road to visit the Chateau St. Jean winery in Sonoma. This winery has one of the most stunningly beautiful grounds I've ever seen (a fact not unnoticed by others, as they were preparing to host a wedding reception during our visit). I couldn't help but keep snapping pictures... I'm sure you can see why!

Thursday, July 9, 2009
4th of July Photo-Blog
This past 4th of July weekend, we were fortunate enough to spend the weekend camping out in Sonoma, and decided to drive into town for the Kenwood parade and pancake breakfast. It was small town Americana at its finest! Not only were the celebrations absolutely delightful, but I got to test drive my brand new D-SLR camera for the first time.
We started the morning with a pancake breakfast hosted at this beautifully traditional old church:

Apparently, they've been doing this for 20 years and have actually built their own gi-normous pancake cooker. It's amazing!

I love these guys!

Then, we headed to the end of the block for the smallest parade we've ever seen. There wasn't a single marching band!

But, we got to see every classic car in the county (like, all five of them):

Even George got into the action! He was so popular, kids IN the parade were pointing and shouting, "Look at the chihuahua!":

And oh yes, a little proof that I was actually there!

Happy Birthday, America!
We started the morning with a pancake breakfast hosted at this beautifully traditional old church:

Apparently, they've been doing this for 20 years and have actually built their own gi-normous pancake cooker. It's amazing!
I love these guys!
Then, we headed to the end of the block for the smallest parade we've ever seen. There wasn't a single marching band!
But, we got to see every classic car in the county (like, all five of them):
Even George got into the action! He was so popular, kids IN the parade were pointing and shouting, "Look at the chihuahua!":
And oh yes, a little proof that I was actually there!
Happy Birthday, America!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Novas Project

Molly will be leaving in just three months now for her upcoming mission trip. That's coming up quick, considering she's been preparing for almost a year! She will be leaving September 23 to participate in a group training in Matamoros, MX (this is the same location that Gary and I had our training for the World Race). Once the training segment concludes, teams will be dispersing to various ministry locations across the world. These include:
* Swaziland (This is where Molly feels God is calling her)
* South Africa
* Uganda
* Philippines
* Nicaragua
* England
* Ireland
* Romania
* Mexico
* Peru
* Philadelphia, PA
I can't look at this list of locations without getting a tingle and wishing I were going somewhere too! If you get that same excitement about being discipled while serving God on the mission field, it's not too late... there's about two more weeks left to apply. (and you better believe if I wasn't called to support my husband to finish seminary in Sacramento, I'd be on my way to Swaziland... or Uganda... or Nicaragua, Peru, Mexico, or London!)
Even if it's not for you at this time, you can check out what Molly will be doing at the Novas link here.

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