I'm looking forward to spending lots of time with my students. Though I've been getting to know them more and more over the past six months, I don't feel as if they're fully "my kids" yet, something that comes with time and experiencing life together. Camp never fails to provide those "remember the time..." type moments. I pray for many opportunities to have fun together, as well as to share my faith through my actions and conversations.
I'm also really excited to work with our junior leader, Rachelle. She's actually a last minute replacement for our regular JH leader Evelyn who, get this, has to miss camp for surgery on her finger following an extreme boogie-boarding accident (whoa... totally bogus, dude!). As much as I will TOTALLY miss Evelyn (she is our main supplier of wackiness and energy... perfect for JH!), I think God is doing something by bringing Rachelle into the picture, and I can't wait to see what happens!
So, though we've had a good amount of down to the wire signups, dropouts, changeups, and other general craziness, I'm just taking all that as a sign that this camp is totally gonna rock! Please pray that GOD MOVES and that we are able to really enter into His presence and worship Him in the midst of His creation. Thanks!

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