Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Gary's sermon now available for download

This past Sunday was a milestone of sorts, as Gary had the opportunity to preach at Fair Oaks for the first time. I never cease to be amazed at the gift God has given Gary to teach, to challenge and inspire with God's word (and if you think I might be biased, I'll just have to quote one of our tenth-grade girls, who told me, "Gary was so good... he should have gone another hour! Or two!! Or five!!!!!)

Anyways, if you missed the opportunity to be with us last Sunday, or if you loved the sermon so much you'd like to hear it again, you can now find it online by clicking here. (For some reason, the sermon downloads are being loaded onto our old website, not our new one.) The title of his sermon was "Don't get too comfortable", addressing Luke 12:13-34.

The next opportunity Gary will have to preach up front will be Sunday, August 19. Hope to see you all there!

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