It just so happened that my World Race friends will be flying in for a wedding, not too far from my parent's place in Simi Valley. So, I'm driving down to meet them before they they take off to Georgia and I don't see them ever again... I mean, for quite a while. =) We'll all crash at my parent's, and I'll finally get to introduce them to my family.
The timing is really good, as I'll be down in time to celebrate the 4th, which just so happens to be my brother's birthday. Even though he'll be working tomorrow night, I'll get to spend that time with my parents, and we'll get to do a family gathering later over the weekend.
As for the weekend plans, we don't have anything set in stone (other than a trip to Dr. Conkey's Candy Company!). We may hit the beach, visit the Reagan Library, shop around, or just hang out. I don't know. I'm just looking forward to seeing everyone.
So, wherever you may be, wherever you may be going, happy 4th of July, everybody!
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