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I'd love to know who's out there, so if you are reading this, I invite you to take a second to answer a few of these questions in the comment section:
1. Who are you?
2. How did you find this blog?
3. Are you a regular reader?
4. Do you have your own blog? If so, please leave a link to your URL.
5. Do you have any topics you'd like me to blog about?
6. What is one fun factoid about yourself?
Do I really have to answer all those questions?!?! Nah, you know me too well for that. Yes, I read your blog regularly even if I don't usually respond.
Hi Gary and Katherine, I am one of the regular readers of your blog. I read Bonnie's Cafe blog and that's where I saw the link to yours. We have a blog also and it's
Hi, I'm Laura and I found your blog because you left a comment on my blog. :) I always enjoy hearing about your ministry. A fun fact is that I was once a contestant on the Price is Right!
Me me me! I like to read your blog ;] I can't think of a fun fact right now though.
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